The first, full-scale, technologically superior e-drum kit; a true drum collector’s dream Artesia Pro...
Scored by Artesia Pro’s EFNOTE drum expert, Michael Bedard, “Sweet Adventure” wins both “Best Soundtrack”...
With touring options temporarily off the table due to the pandemic, prolific drummer for...
Modal synthesis acoustic drums instrument offers unprecedented customization and levels of detail August 8,...
Innovative drum sticks produced from an injection molded carbon fiber polymer give drummers a green...
Just When We Thought That “Drums are Drums” These drums are totally cool and...
Roland V-Drums® Friend Jam, a powerful new social networking tool for drummers. Software app...
Rock Tour Drum Kit Looks Good While it Takes a Pounding — 02/12/2010 BUENA...
These were totally unexpected. I am not a drummer, but I love to bang...
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The unique tone of the HAPI drum is created by a tuned vibrating tongue...
Korg’s 2nd generation Wavedrum captured top honors during its debut at the recent Winter...