Michael Lang, a co-creator and promoter of the 1969 Woodstock music festival that served...
Michael DiMattio
Michael is a singer/songwriter, bass and guitar player, and marketing and graphic design professional in Huntington Beach. Editor of MikesGig.com, he also contributes video and stories on musicians, instrument builders and concerts.
Does the HD 400 Pro lightweight design allow you to focus on your project...
Eddie Kramer, whose resume needs no introduction, is the quintessential engineer / producer whose...
Inspired by the phaser effects unit popularized on German records from the 1970’s by...
Scored by Artesia Pro’s EFNOTE drum expert, Michael Bedard, “Sweet Adventure” wins both “Best Soundtrack”...
German microphone specialists Neumann.Berlin have announced their first product range designed especially for close...
Nugen’s Range of Software Proves Essential for Creative Mixing and Loudness Metering While he...
Based on their Electrum plugin, Electrum Core is a scaled down and more affordable...
The Texas native wrote many of the popular songs for the TV boy band,...
Featuring comprehensive AD/DA conversion, advanced monitoring and routing, enhanced SSL EQ and much more,...
Paragon Reverb and VisLM Loudness Plug-ins Offer Consistency to Projects At Home at Nimrod...
iSEMcon’s new Microphone Disinfector makes microphone disinfecting fast, simple and effective Houses of worship,...