Paula Cole, Amanda Palmer, AIJIA, Katie Daryl, and Chris Schyvinck (CEO of Shure) Among...
Michael DiMattio
Michael is a singer/songwriter, bass and guitar player, and marketing and graphic design professional in Huntington Beach. Editor of, he also contributes video and stories on musicians, instrument builders and concerts.
PLUS 3 provides simple, compact, hands-on control over synths, effects pedals, semi-modular, Eurorack instruments...
M-Audio’s next generation of studio-grade monitors includes Bluetooth streaming, DSP-powered sound customization, and unparalleled...
Legendary MD 421(-II) performance at nearly half the size and with a redesigned clip...
Audio-Technica has introduced a new white version of its popular ATH-M20x professional monitor headphones...
The original SSL 2 / 2+ interfaces get the MKII treatment with better specs...
The Aguilar Breast Cancer Awareness AG Preamp/DI Pedal is available starting today for Breast...
Originally Created For the 1955 NAMM Show, This Rare Instrument is One of Only...
The Dirt Transmitter™ Legacy Reissue is being released in a limited edition of 1,000...
The three new additions, Scarlett 16i16, 18i16, and 18i20, complement the existing range with greater connectivity to...
Morley and IK Multimedia have been long time partners in the digital realm. And...
Curves Equator plugin offers smart resonance suppression and frequency unmasking Although studio and music production...