Unlike the Gristle-Tone for Tele and P90, the Greg Koch Gristle-Tone Signature Series Single...
Michael DiMattio
Michael is a singer/songwriter, bass and guitar player, and marketing and graphic design professional in Huntington Beach. Editor of MikesGig.com, he also contributes video and stories on musicians, instrument builders and concerts.
140-watt powered speaker cabinet complements Spark series smart guitar practice amps Positive Grid is...
SUCCESSOR allows creative engineers, musicians, and producers alike to apply colorful, fat, and warm...
All five new products are built using high quality components that will withstand years...
The all-new amPlug3 Tone Hammer headphone amp and the reimagined Tone Hammer Preamp pedal...
Delicious Audio is offering this pedal giveaway… Seeking that one elusive sound for your...
Innovative new pedal blends octave fuzz with analog synth capabilities Eventide, in collaboration with...
Rhodes Music, in collaboration with Cherry Audio, is excited to announce the rebranding of...
Peavey Electronics® unveils the new lithium ion battery-powered Solo™ portable PA. Weighing in at...
AI-powered acoustic optimization streamlines creation of the world’s first ‘ski in, ski out’ recording...
Creative Reference Series Enters 3rd Generation With Flexible Tone Control and Location Switch for...
FreqInOut plug-in is opened on an insert, send, or instrument channel in the DAW...