March 3, 2025

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PlateVerb is the first in a range of boutique plug-ins from SSL that deliver the sound of classic and contemporary reverbs

Solid State Logic continues to expand its premium FX plug-in range with its latest addition, PlateVerb, which is available now as part of the ever-growing SSL Complete subscription, SSL’s Rent To Own plan and for perpetual purchase via the SSL eStore. PlateVerb is available in all standard formats including VST2, VST3, AAX Native and AU, and marks the first in a range of boutique plug-ins from SSL that deliver the sound of classic and contemporary reverbs in a streamlined ‘FX pedal’ style interface. PlateVerb is also available as part of the ‘complete access’ dual subscription where users can access every SSL and Slate Digital plug-in for only $19.99 p/month (Ts&Cs apply).

Boutique reverb in a streamlined interface 
PlateVerb plug-in precisely emulates the distinct sound of classic plate reverb in your DAW, combining two bespoke ‘SSL-crafted’ algorithms for Early Reflections and Late Reflections, capturing the sonic, mechanical, and damping properties of a plate reverb. With reverb decay times ranging from a subtle 100 milliseconds to a colossal 3 seconds, PlateVerb is perfect for a range of production applications, providing depth, dimension, and ambience to a variety of instruments and vocals. 

Classic and contemporary reverb with creative flexibility 
Capable of delivering the classic plate reverberation sound while incorporating innovative features like colour adjustment, ducking with external side-chain, and freeze, PlateVerb allows engineers to dial in a precise sound, while producers can experiment with creative reverb FX. ​ 

Suitable for electronic or acoustic, classic or contemporary music applications, PlateVerb is able to enhance any sound with the warm, lush, and smooth reverb that only a classic plate can provide.  ​ 

Key Features: ​ 

  • Early/Late Reflections Control: Blend early reflections and late tail for versatile sound shaping.   
  • Diffusion Adjustment: Fine-tune the density of late tail reflections.   
  • Decay and Room Size Customization: Tailor the reverb decay time and room size for precise spatial effects.   
  • Damping Controls: Limit decay in low/high frequencies for a cleaner sound.   
  • Colour Adjustment: Modify the harmonic colour to emulate various plate materials.   
  • Ducking with Sidechaining: Apply gain reduction based on incoming level, with internal or external sidechain options.   
  • Advanced Mix Control: All-in-one control lets you effortlessly blend any combination of wet and dry signals.   
  • Freeze and Kill Options: Unique reverb tail manipulation for creative effects.   

SSL Complete, complete access, Rent-To-Own or Paid In Full: 
PlateVerb is now available as part of SSL Complete, which is included in the ‘complete access’ dual subscription – alongside EVERY Slate Digital plug-in – for ONLY $19.99 p/month. (Ts&Cs apply). Find out more: ​ ​ 

For more information, to access a free trial of PlateVerb, or a trial of SSL Complete, please visit:

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