As featured with Carlos Santana on the cover of Guitar Player Magazine. Individually crafted...
Michael DiMattio
Michael is a singer/songwriter, bass and guitar player, and marketing and graphic design professional in Huntington Beach. Editor of, he also contributes video and stories on musicians, instrument builders and concerts.
This is the first truly portable full-size acoustic guitar . . . Plays good,...
McNally Instruments – Rockaway, NJ The Strumstick was designed by Bob McNally. It uses...
Is it a work of art, is it technologically advanced, is at a fine...
Ellis Seal of Composite Acoustics (CA) gave us the rundown on his fine instruments....
This was the year for cardon fiber at NAMM in many shapes and forms...
High-performance speaker system extends Cerwin-Vega Line, Legacy Hollywood, Fla. – (January 17, 2009) –...